Kansas City
Inner City tips you need to know
When Buying Investment Properties In Kansas City's Inner Core there are things you need to know first off before you learn the hard way.
- Know your Numbers- Kansas City properties are not like other markets , while you can make a fortune investing here you can also loose a fortune as well. You need to know that your numbers on paper is not what your numbers in reality will be. Everything always looks better on paper. While Taxes and insurance are cheaper , your risk for damage, vacancies and vandalism are higher.
- Partner With the right people- You need to know going in the issues you will face with locating the right people and companies to partner with and use. Foreign and out of state Investors typically have issues with Contractors and Management companies. While there are many bad contractors and management companies in the city. Even the best contractors and management companies can have issues in parts of the city.
- Educate Yourself on Costs- Some of the best advertised properties are the ones marked up the highest. Don't be afraid to make lower offers. Some locals will pray on out of state and foreign investors as they know they are willing to pay more for things than any locals.
- location location location- Sometimes the cheapest properties are cheap for a reason. they could be in a unstable area , needs a lot of work ,have high risk of vandalism and damage or be difficult to lease.
Before you buy Contact a company that is willing to help you with the process.
Property Pro's
5800 Barton Dr. Ste.201
Shawnee , KS 66203
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